
Jackie Anderson Pilates Instructor Level 3 Mat Pilates

I had suffered from backache for many years. Discovering Pilates was life changing. After attending weekly Pilates classes at my local gym my backache gradually disappeared.

Pilates gave me back control of my body. I no longer attended an osteopath, which I had been doing on a regular basis. Rather than relying on someone else to “fix” my back, I was taking responsibility for maintaining my own health and well being. A great feeling, not to mention the money I was saving!

In 2010 I trained to become a Pilates instructor. Knowing the benefits of Pilates. I decided I wanted to share this knowledge and help make a difference to other peoples lives the way Pilates had made a difference to mine.

After completion of my Pilates training, I qualified with level 3 in mat Pilates. I started teaching in various gyms and clubs, moving on to working within a private physiotherapy practice; West of Scotland College; the Golden Jubilee Hospital; Glasgow City Council in delivering their health and well being programme, offering Pilates classes to staff; Western tennis Club, and now, here at Broomhill Tennis Club.

I am absolutely passionate about Pilates and the benefits it can bring to individuals. I love teaching Pilates and seeing the difference it can make

Pilates is founded on 3 core principles ABC 

Alignment          Poor posture can be the root of many aches and pains and can have debilitating effects. Pilates will enable you to recognise your own alignment and give you excercises to correct it

Breathing          Pilates teaches lateral thoracic breathing which is using the whole of the diaphragm. Learning better breathing patterns can be life changing in itself

Core Control     We have 4 deep core muscles that once engaged work together to form a strong core centre. Pilates teaches the control and engagement of these muscles 

Pilates focuses on strengthening our deep core muscles building a strong centre, which supports the body in everyday life. Pilates tones the body by lengthening and strengthening the muscles, giving the body a longer leaner look, allowing the individual to benefit from: Improved flexibility, increased bone density, improved posture, improved balance and protection of the major joints and spine. It is also a mind and body exercise.

More and more athletes are discovering the benefits of including Pilates training into their fitness programme, strengthening the core and thus improving performance. Whether to improve performance or just to assist in day to life, You too can benefit!! Come along and judge for yourself.


Sundays at 11 am and Tuesdays at 10am

  • Drop in £9 per class
  • Block of 6, £45
  • 1-1 by arrangement
  • tailored programmes combining classes and personal instruction by arrangement
  • Gift Vouchers available

Classes are tailored to cater for all levels of fitness and ability

Contact: jackieanderson.pilates@gmail.com or 07751476746