
Broomhill Lawn Tennis and Squash Club takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously and strives to ensure a safe environment for everyone using the venue.
The Club’s welfare officer is Alan Sutherland. Alan has attended safeguarding training, is PVG checked and is a university tutor. If you have any concerns or have any questions about safeguarding at the venue, please contact Alan on 07828 540094 or via the Contact section.
If you think someone is at immediate risk of harm, please contact Police Scotland on 999 without delay.
Safeguarding concerns can also be logged using the LTA secure form on
Other safeguarding contacts are:
LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis Team 020 8487 7000 or
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Glasgow Social Services: During office hours call Health and Social Care Connect on 0141 287 0555. Outwith office hours call Emergency Social Work Services on 0300 343 1505
Child supervision – In line with national NSPCC advice, all children under the age of 13 attending the venue outside of coaching programmes and other organised activities should be supervised by a parent or known adult.
The Club has adopted the LTA Safeguarding policies. These policies are appicable to all users of the club; coaches, members and non-members. These policies are as follows:
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Photography and Filming Policy