BTC 2024 AGM Minutes
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in the Bucklebury Memorial Hall Oak Room on Tuesday 5th March 2024 from 7.30pm
Roger Aylward, Norman Casson, Neil Rendall, Sarah Lewington, Karen Pegg, Carol Gower, Sylvia Payne, Mike James, Darren Blackwood, Paul Flood, Ed Hills, Patricia Strang, Trevor Poore, Cate Poore, Lars Sexton, Andrew Rogers, Lisa Saunders, Helen Raines, Hanne Roberts, Pam Norman, Clare Gatward, Rita Robertson, Gary Fox, Nicola Jones, David Sammon, Damian Lane
Tribute to Robin London by Roger Aylward
On behalf of the Committee and as acting Chairman for the evening in the absence of Robin London who sadly passed away on the 1st March, Roger read out a tribute in memory and recognition of Robin’s role as Chairman for the last 6 years and her outstanding contribution to the success of the Club
1.Apologies for Absence
David Southgate, Kathy Aitchison, Liviu Joita, Liz Robertson, Colin Tadier, Charles Romaine, Barry Thornycroft, Jacqui Rendall, Carol Newby, Betty James, Julie Brims
2.Approval of the 2023 AGM Minutes
Proposed by Ed Hills and seconded by Andy Rogers and approved by the Meeting
3.Actions Arising from the 2023 AGM
- Roger reported that a sensible compromise had recently been reached by the Tuesday Club Night regulars and the Mens A team members. As a result the Mens A team have agreed not to hold their practice sessions at all on Tuesday evenings but on occasional Thursday evenings during the match season subject to the Thursday evening drills finishing by 6pm to allow the Mens Team to practise after 6pm. The session will be booked by the Mens as a private session and not as a club session. This will leave Tuesday evening as the regular mix in session for all Club members wishing to participate
2. Distance Adult Membership
Last year’s AGM produced considerable discussion on the proposal to introduce a Distance
Adult membership at a reduced rate for those members living more than 35 miles away.
The subject again provoked considerable discussion for and against and eventually Roger
called for a vote on each of the following 2 proposals in both cases for a trial period of 1 year
and therefore not a formal change in the Club Constitution:-
1) Distance Adult membership in principle - In favour 16 Against 5 - Passed
2) Distance Adult membership to be open or restricted to those having connection with a
Member living in the local area or to have been a past member
Open - 4 in favour 12 Against .
Restricted Distance Adult membership approved- those having a connection with the local
Area or have been a past member - at a subscription of £37
4. Reports of the Outgoing Committee Officers
5.Approval of the Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2023 (Julie Brims)
In the absence of Julie, the Accounts prepared by her were circulated to the Meeting and these showed the Club to be in a good financial condition. Total income was £20,231 and expenditure £16,377 thereby showing a net excess of income over expenditure of £3854.
The Club’s balance at the bank and Building Society was £34,383.
On the proposal of Cate Poore and seconded by Helen Raines, the Accounts were duly approved by the Meeting
Membership Secretary( Norman Casson)
NC reported that membership had remained steady throughout the year with the total number of members resigning just slightly more than new members joining :-
Family - 63 (165 individuals)
Adult - 74 (74 individuals)
Student -0 (1 individual)
Junior - 4 (4 individuals)
A total of 141 members comprising 244 individuals compared with 144 members comprising 253 individuals at the end of last season
Welfare Officer (Roger Aylward)
RA reported that all Policies on the website had been updated with 2 new ones on Code of Conduct and Complaints
Maintenance (Neil Rendall)
NR reported that the courts were in reasonable condition. The spring treatment was due soon and our contractor Brian Windle will also then repair the rear compound fence which had been damaged due to a fallen tree.
As he is near retirement we may need to switch to a new contractor soon.
In reply to a question from Andy Rogers about the winder for the court nets NR cautioned against using the winder for adjusting the net height - which should be done by using the tape in the middle of each net as using the winder could result in over stretching the court net posts.
Helen Raines commented that the court wiper tool was not very effective and it would be better to use a mop to remove excess water from the courts. NR said that the height of the water table meant that water would rise easily in heavy rain.
RA then distributed copies of the maintenance Schedule for the coming years showing that estimated expenditure over the next 7 years was £83K- £95K including LED floodlighting. This meant an average annual spend of £12k-£13K per annum
Juniors and Drills (Karen Pegg)
KP reported that a new Coach for the juniors would be required this year.
Drills have continued successfully on Mondays with 3 sessions and up to 30 members participating. A doubles tactics session had also taken place on some Thursday evenings.
Thanks are due to Helen Raines and to our coach Damian Lane and the drills have been a good income source for the Club
6. Election of the Committee for the coming year
RA said that the post of Web Manager was proposed to be added to the Committee and Sarah Lewington was willing to act as such. On the proposal of Paul Flood and seconded by Andy Rogers, the meeting so approved its addition
The current members of the Committee (apart of course from Robin) who are willing to stand again are as follows
Chairman - Vacant
Membership Secretary - Norman Casson
Treasurer- Julie Brims
Welfare Officer - Roger Aylward
Maintenance Officer - Neil Rendall
Juniors and Drills - Karen Pegg
Match Secretary - Sarah Lewington
RA reported that no one on the Committee wished to take on the role of Chairman and invited any Club member to put their name forward in due course for consideration by the Committee who in the meantime will continue to deal with all matters relating to the Club as best they can.
On the proposal of Darren Blackwood and seconded by Lisa Saunders , the meeting approved the re-election of the Committee on that basis.
Darren Blackwood said he thought Gary Fox would be a good Chairman to which Gary said he was fairly new to the Club and was not sure he would want to put his name forward.
An email will go out to all members soon inviting interest in the position
Continued on seperate sub page AGM Continued