AGM minutes continued
7. Subscriptions and other charges for the coming year
RA said the the Committee proposed the subscriptions for Family and Adult members should increase by 4% in line with the current inflation rate while the other subscriptions and charges should be left unchanged as follows:
Family - £85 (up from £82)
Adult - £60 (up from £58)
Student - £25 (unchanged)
Junior - £15 (unchanged)
New trial Distance Adult Membership - £37
Members’ visitors - £3 per person per hour (unchanged)
Non-members Pay and Play (currently suspended) - £10 per court per hour (unchanged)
Floodlight charge - £7 per court per hour (unchanged)
On the proposal of Darren Blackwood and seconded by Lars Sexton the meeting approved the subscriptions and charges as listed
Gary Fox enquired if subs could be paid by GoCardless despite the charge to the Club.
The Committee to consider the matter at its next meeting.
8.Election of Team captains for the coming year
On the proposal of Trevor Poore and seconded by Lars Sexton, the meeting approved the election of the following Team captains
Mens A -Andy Rogers
Mens B - Darren Blackwood
Mens C - Ed Hills assisted by Norman Casson
Ladies A - Helen Raines
Ladies B - Trish Strang
Mixed - Emma Spriggs
Berks League Over 50 1- Andy Rogers
Berks League Over 50 2 - Paul Flood
Berks League Over 60 - Darren Blackwood
Berks League Ladies A - Helen Raines
Yorkshire Cup - Currently vacant but Sarah Lewington will ask Emma Spriggs
9. Possible events for the coming season
1. Early season BBQ proposed for Friday 10th May subject to Julie Brims confirming she will
2 . Possible skittles evening - subject to Graham Plank’s alley being available.
3. Quiz in the Memorial Hall. Possible quiz and quiz master available via Cate Poore
4. Pam Norman enquired if a Ladies Tournament would take place this summer . Agreed in principle
5. Darren Blackwood said that Newbury league matches are due to commence on Saturday 11th May
Yorkshire Cup matches start on the 8th May. Darren will liaise with Sarah L as to whether the Club will enter a team
10. Proposal to instal LED Lighting for the Court Floodlights (Neil Rendall)
Neil reported that our existing floodlights were now 10 years old with metal halide bulbs which are beginning to fail (one recently cost the Club £950 to do so).The Committee decided against renewing the Maintenance Agreement in view of the cost but if 2 more bulbs fail in the next year or so, the Committee feel that conversion to LED lighting would be worth it despite the possible cost (estimates vary between £14K to £28K ) as once installed it would allegedly be maintenance free for 10 years and 40%cheaper to run as well as being more environmentally friendly.
No recommendation to proceed will be made by the Committee this year although the matter will be kept under review. The cost is expected to be raised out of Club funds as no grants are available.
11. Any Other Business (Roger Aylward)
- Non member access (Pay and Play).
There is no requirement in the Club Constitution to allow Pay and Play for non members and the Committee has decided to suspend it for the time being in view of having to make a key available.
The Committee have discussed the possibility of a key being stored in a locker near the courts secured by a combination lock but no final decision has yet been made
2. Recycling of balls (Roger Aylward)
Club captains will be requested to return match balls and place them in the Clubhouse drawer for use in Club mix in sessions. In due course when these are worn out they will be placed in the recycling box in the right hand corner of the Club house. Pam Norman pointed out that wet match balls should not be placed in the drawer until they have dried out.
Roger said we will try out the new system and see how it goes.
3. Nicola Jones asked whether the Leagues ran any singles matches. Darren Blackwood said the Newbury League does not but the Berkshire League may do so. She will speak to one of the Berkshire League captains
4. Hanne Roberts enquired whether the Club had decided to make up a Plaque or Trophy in memory of Robin London in view of her contribution to the success of the Club.
The Committee will consider the matter after Roger has consulted with Jim London and how it should be funded
5. Roger thanked everyone for attending the Meeting which closed at 9pm