Adult membership categories

We offer a range of Adult memberships.
Full Adult -
Aged over 27 and Under 60 as of April 1st and not in either full time education or entitled to Concessionary (Class E) discount membership. Allowed to use the club courts at any time, to play in all club sessions, matches when invited to do so by the team captain and use the courts at any other time excluding the following;
- where other members have pre-booked the court/s in advance using the Club Booking System,
- whilst Club matches are in progress, however if the club match only consist of 2 pairings then the spare court may be booked at the discretion of the team captain or their representative.
Click here to join as a Full Adult member
Restricted Adult -
Allowed to use the club courts Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm only, this category of membership is not entitled to play in matches or Annual Club Tournaments. However this class may play outside of these times for the following reasons;
- If the management committee so deem fit, e.g. for inter club tournaments and specific social tennis events.
- If invited to play by Club Captain at club sanctioned Tournament
Click Here to join as a Restricted Adult
Senior Adult -
Aged over 60 as of April 1st . Allowed to use the club courts at any time, to play in all club sessions, matches when invited to do so by the team captain and use the courts at any other time excluding the following;
- where other members have pre-booked the court/s in advance using the Club Booking System,
- whilst Club matches are in progress, however if the club match only consist of 2 pairings then the spare court may be booked at the discretion of the team captain or their representative.
Click Here to join as a Senior Adult
Student / Young Adult -
Aged between the age of 19 and 27 inclusively on 1st April. Allowed to use the club courts at any time, to play in all club sessions, matches when invited to do so by the team captain and use the courts at any other time excluding the following;
- where other members have pre-booked the court/s in advance using the Club Booking System,
- whilst Club matches are in progress, however if the club match only consist of 2 pairings then the spare court may be booked at the discretion of the team captain or their representative.
Click here to Join as a Student/ Young Adult