Joining or Renewing
Our membership year runs from 1st June each year to 31st May the next year. During May we freeze memberships to prevent members renewing ahead of schedule. New members or existing members who wish to change membership package can reapply after 1st June (and cancel their renewal).
N.B. We are including these ClubSpark help addresses in case you experience problems with joining or paying:
email :
or filling in this form :
Renewing members who pay by Direct Debit will be notified of the automatic payment and renewal before the membership year starts. We hope that this makes your life, as well as ours, much easier. Those that no longer wish to be members can cancel their membership by clicking 'Cancel' on this email reminder. We no longer accept BACS transfers so please dont use that method or you will just be paying us but your membership will remain inactive. This happened for many members last year. We are not policing this and will not automatically give refunds.
Our web site and notice boards are now the main sources of club information but please feel free to contact any member of the committee (see contact page) if you need more information or have any questions at any time.
Joining and payment instructions are fully explained within our new automated renewal and payment system. As our club is managed by volunteers we encourage everyone to use the GOCARDLESS online Direct Debit payment setup for new and existing membership renewals. However, if you encounter any problems using Google browser please switch to Microsoft Edge or Explorer to apply for membership. For any other issues at any stage then contact our membership secretary who will be happy to help. Joining should prove to be very quick and involves 4 steps
- Click on the website membership link (or the one provided in your renewal invite) to access the Club Spark membership system. Create your own secure user name and password if you are logging in for the first time.
- Choose which of the 7 membership packages suits you best. If you are renewing your membership then you will already be renewing your membership to an existing package and the renewal notification email is seeking you to confirm that. You can change the package at this stage if your circumstances have changed, e.g. if your kids are now at University and you wish to move from a Family to Couple package. Normal member pricing for each of these is summarised below but you will find full descriptions of each when you click onto an individual package.
Singles Membership Options - Adult or Senior (£45), Junior (12 to 18) or full time student (£25)
Group Membership Options - Family (£90), Couple (£80), Couple with one or more young child (£80), Participating adult with one or more young child (£45), Supervisory adult with one or more young child (£15)
3. Enter details for one or more people
4. Pay - 'GOCARDLESS' Direct Debit (preferred)
Last year 98% of our members used the GOCARDLESS option and found it quick and problem-free to use. It would be a big help if all members could use the GOCARDLESS payment method and avoid trying to use cash, cheques, or our old bacs transfer arrangements. However, for those without the ability, the option of paying by cheque is still available. Please note that you are still required to login to renew or create a new membership and select 'Pay by cheque' - otherwise if you just send us a cheque without a membership renewal online then you have just paid us - nothing else. This means that you will not receive the court combination lock code as it changes each year. If you don't have a computer to renew online please contact Gary Fox -membership secretary.
Alerts for members
1. All juniors must have an adult contact email and contact details in order to protect juniors online. Juniors under the age of 18 will not receive emails directly from the tennis club, but their nominated main contact on their membership will.
2. If Adult members do not enter their date of birth correctly in their membership profile and the birthdate entered makes them less than 18 years old, they will not receive any communication from the club email system. SEVERAL MEMBERS HAVE REPORTED THIS AND ON CHECKING - HAVE HAD THEIR DATE OF BIRTH ENTERED INCORRECTLY. PLEASE RECTIFY THIS BY LOGGING IN TO CLUBSPARK AND CORRECTING YOUR MEMBERSHIP DETAILS.
Adult with young children 2024/25
01/05/2024 - 31/05/2025
Membership for a participating adult with one or more young children under 12.
Eligibility: Eligibility: A playing adult with one or more children under 12.
Couple 2024/25
01/05/2024 - 31/05/2025
Our standard package for an adult couple living at the same address.
Eligibility: 2 adults at the same address
Family 2024/25
01/05/2024 - 31/05/2025
Our standard package for families of all sizes
Eligibility: Our standard package covers all members of a single family at a single address. Full-time students can be included.
Non playing adult with young children 2024/25
01/05/2024 - 31/05/2025
Membership for a non participating adult with one or more young children under 12.
Eligibility: Supervisory adult with one or more children under 12 all at the same address.
Single Adult or Senior 2024/25
01/05/2024 - 31/05/2025
Single adult or senior membership
Eligibility: Single playing adult or senior
Single Junior (over 12) or Student 2024/25
01/05/2024 - 31/05/2025
Single Junior (over 12) or Student Membership
Eligibility: Single Junior (12 to 18) or student over the age of 18 who is still in full time education