

Junior Championship 7th July is open for registrations. 

Send an email to patrick@egtenniscoaching.com to book your place.


We wish to encourage more tennis amongst our junior community.   If you have a suggestion, please send an email to chair@cuckfieldtennisclub.org.uk

The events listed here are run or heavily supported by the club.   They are in addition to the comprehensive junior coaching programme and holiday camps run by our coach Patrick Armstrong.


Junior Championship - 7th July 2024

Keep the date free.   This is the date of our new Junior Championship.   More details nearer the time.   There will be prizes.

Look out for the club communications or approach Patrick Armstrong.


Teens Casual Tennis, Sundays from 4:00 - 5:30pm (Check weekly calendar because winter times may change)

Our weekly Teens Casual Tennis is prooving rather popular.   Aimed at 12 to 16 years old, everyone is welcome.

It is entirely a drop-in session, no prior booking required.   There are WhatsApp groups for parents and the teens.

  1. The Teen will remain the responsibility of their parent at all times.
  2. There will be a sign-in sheet which all Teens must sign in to.   It will contain the disclaimer of responsibility by the club.  
  3. There is a rota of parents and there must be at least one parent present at all times.   The parent is only present to ensure the smooth running and is not responsible for the junior.
  4. Parents may mix in to play tennis if that is needed.   No membership of CTC needed (recognising that not all parents are members and this is a session for Teens).