Box leagues
For Box League information your contact is Alan Seywright
Unfortunately an incorrect email address was given out in the original email regarding box leagues. If you did send in your entry could you please re-send to:
If you have not yet entered you still can. Use the email address above.
The idea this year is to try to have at least 2 rounds of matches and to start earlier to fit these in.
We are again running both mixed Singles and a Mixed Doubles leagues.
- Singles Box League - open to all members (men and women)
- Mixed Doubles Box League
Please include:-
- your email address and mobile number for communications on matches and results; and,
- details of your partner (for the mixed doubles) or whether you would like to be paired up with another entrant.
Hoping for lots of great tennis and good luck to all who enter!
Box leagues are open to all members and are a great opportunity to play competitive matches against opponents of a similar standard.
All members are welcome to join the Box Leagues which is a great opportunity to play competitive matches against similar strength opponents and good practise for the upcoming Tournament which starts in August.
The Box Leagues consist of ranked mini 'divisions', with around 4-6 players in each division. Players in a given division all play against one another, with points earned for matches and sets won and for matches played. At the end of each Box League phase (usually 4 weeks) each player's points are added up, and players are promoted to the next division, retained in the same division, or demoted a division, depending on their Box League match results.
The Box Leagues are a great way to develop your match play experience, as well as to meet other members of the club.
The Box League divisions and rules, players’ contacts and match results will put up on the Notice Board inside the Club House.
There will be a court booking system with allocated times during evenings and weekends.