TC Terms
- We aim to provide a safe, accessible, enjoyable and welcoming experience for everyone who attends our Tennis Camps and expect players, parents and coaches to follow the HTC Code of Conduct as detailed on our website - go to here.
- Please familiarise yourself and your child/children with the Tennis Camp informationwhich gives details about the day - go to here
- Our Coaching team will do their best to ensure everyone does Play Safe & Stay Safe @ HTC. Our welfare and safeguarding information plus accident and incident procedure are all detailed on our website - go to here
- We are proud of the success of our Tennis Camps and group coaching activities and there may be times when photographs are taken of groups of children playing tennis to display on our website. We will never name children or photograph them individually. For more information we have an HTC Photo & Filming Guidance document on our website - go to here
- If you child has a confidential medical note that the Head Coach needs to be made aware of, in addition to completing the enrolment form fully please speak with the Head Coach on the first day of attendance to ensure they are fully informed.
- If you have any queries regarding anything contained in this document in advance of, or during, one of our Tennis Camps please do not hesitate to contact the club by email on