Accident/Incident Reporting

Accident & Incident Reporting


In the case of an accident or incident occuring on court or the surrounding areas, please follow the emergency contact information as displayed on the club noticeboard inside the pavilion and the noticeboard on Court 1.

There are First Aid kits in the pavilion kitchen cupboard and inside the notice board on Court 1 together with accident/incident forms for completion when an accident/injury occurs. The accident/incident reporting form is also available use this link here

There is a defibrillator on the wall by the pavilion entrance in the case of an emergency.

All users of the HTC courts are reminded that participation in sport carries risks. It is your personal responsibility to be wearing appropriate footwear and to be mindful of weather conditions as well as being fit to play and if necessary seeking consultation with your GP to ensure that this level of activity is appropriate for your well-being.