
Adult Coaching at HTC

Club Coach - The Club's LTA Level 3 Registered coach is Duncan Bradshaw. Duncan is available for private one to one coaching by arrangement, please contact Duncan at or 07415 694338 for further information.

The Club's LTA insurance requires that coaches have to be LTA registered, and then registered and linked to Heworth Tennis Club for both the Club's insurance and the Coach's insurance to be valid.

Coaching sessions - the following sessions are available:

Tuesdays - Rusty/beginner, Intermediate/Improver: Rusty racquets at 9.30am and Intermediate at 10.30am. 7-8pm - Doubles Play Strategy Coaching.

Saturday - Fitness Fun 9.30am - tennis coaching and some cardio to get tennis fit!

Where - All sessions take place on the Clubhouse Courts 1 & 2.

Payment - Each session costs £7pp. Payment is either via BACS (Duncan will provide details) or cash, if cash please bring the correct amount if possible

In addition there are Beginners courses which run for 4/5 week blocks - contact us at for details of the next courses.