Flood Lights

- The Floodlights are operated by tokens.
- Each token costs £1 and is worth 15 minutes of light time.
- You can get up to 10 tokens from coach Mark Airey or the bar.
- The Floodlights are operated from a screen on the left as you go in the Squash entrance door. There are instructions on how to operate them posted on the wall above the light box or please download this guide.
- Due to planning restrictions the lights will automatically cease at 10pm and any credit time will be lost.
- A blue, flashing strobe light on the floodlight pole will let you know when you have 10 minutes left. ( Please note you cannot restart the lights straight after they have gone out, as they need time to reset)
- For safety it's best to clear the court whilst the lights are still on, but there is an egress light which stays on for 5 minutes..
- Also on leaving Courts 1 and 2 there is a button to press on the large green power box on your left hand side - this activates a light.
- If you finish before your light time is completed , please cancel the time remaining on the floodlight screen to both save the bulbs and also the electricity costs - thank you.
Any queries please ask Mark Airey or any member of the committee.