Social Media

We are very proud of the strong presence we have on Facebook, X (formerlyTwitter) & Instagram. We use these pages in slightly differing way to announce news and achievement, promote and support our teams, competitions, programmes and events.
This is led by Jade Windley, our Head of Communications & Marketing, supported by Caroline Ess, Richard Cook, John Copsey and our Team & Assistant Team Managers.
We also like to report on the achievements of our clubs and players and will often repost when we see something of interest.
If there is something that anyone wishes to report for us to post then please email us HERE with a few words and a photo too and although we can't promise to post it, we will though do our best
You can follow us by clicking these links or the ones at the foot of this page.
Social Media Poster for posting on club notice boards and the like
The overall responsibility for suitable content on all of our pages lies with the Chairman and Head of Communications & Marketing
Photo shows our Girl's 12&U County Cup Team that won their group at Woodbridge in September 2024