Marlborough Tennis CIO members
We are a not for profit charitable organisation registered with the Charities Commission. This is as a Charitable Incorprated Organsiation (CIO) with a model constitution approved by the Charities Commission. The trustees are elected annually at the AGM operates as a team as this is the nature of volunteering. While each member leads on key responsibilities, small task teams typically manage initiatives such as funding, new projects and events. The trustees generally meet on a monthly basis and bi-weekly where needed. Key events and actions are communicated through our newsletter.
- Andrew Payne - Chair. Andrew works across the team and with club members to help the club thrive across all aspects and owns the business plan
- Roger Wheeler - Co-Treasurer. Roger oversees the range of financial activities spanning the club. He manages our long term financial plans as Treasurer and is supported by an independent examiner
- Tim Whitrow - Co-Treasurer. Tim oversees financial activities and trust reporting
- Jo Payne – Membership team. Jo helps develop social events and works to enhance the membership programme as we grow.
- Peter May - Membrship teamand sponsorship. Peter focuses on improving the new members experience and joining process and develops funding avenues for the future.
- Anne Carroll - Membership team. Anne is part of the membership team including recruitment, supporting health and safety and is responsible for GDPR.
- Hilda Moore/Sean Moir - LTA Liaison and coaching. Hilda and Sean work with the LTA on external liaison and supports the identification and adoption of LTA best practices. They work on coaching planning, website and Facebook development.
- Penny Smith and Neil Emery - Competitive Tennis Penny and Neil own our team programme for League and developing an improvement programme for our teams. They work with league captains to promote competitive tennis and Swindon and District league activities.
- Gary Bond - Maintenance and Site Development. Gary heads up our maintenance subcommittee and helps develop facilities related projects for the club.
The club is actively supported by working parties across a range of activities.
Neil Watts - Coaching. Neil is our head coach and manages and delivers the coaching activity and programme for the club, as a fully outsourced activity. Neil is a Level 4 coach and is working with Elliott Kami to take the club forward on coaching. Neil is not a trustee and works closely with the coaching trustees
These include maintenance and cleaning, open days, and social events to name a few. Other volunteer members with other key roles include Karen Maskell (website and Instagram) and Ian Jones (court bookings).
Want to help us take the club forward? Please get in touch with the trustees via chair@marlboroughtennis.co.uk