Club Tournament 2024

61 club members entered the tournament this year - a new record! We played 1 final on Friday 20 September, 7 finals on Saturday 21 September and 2 on Saturday 28 September.
Click here for the finals' results>>.
Click on the links below to see the detailed scores in all the draws.
Open categories:
- Men's singles
- Men's doubles and mixed doubles
- Ladies' doubles: Joe has created balanced pairings putting stronger and weaker players together.
Senior categories:
- Senior men's singles and senior mixed doubles 55+
- Senior men's doubles 55+: Joe has created balanced pairs, to make the competition more fun and even. We've had this format for some time for the ladies' doubles and it's been greatly enjoyed by all, so we're extending the pleasure!
- Senior ladies' doubles 65+: We've made an even bigger change to this. Joe has created balanced pairs, but we've also raised the age.
And a reminder to those of you who entered the tournament to make sure you've paid Joe your entrance fees. £2 per competition, with a maximum of £5.