What do we want to do?

We want to organisie a village festival with the focus on village clubs, societies and hobby groups and all the activities on offer in and around the village.
The aim would be for all each particpating club or group (or business) to promote their group and activity allowing visitors the chance to have a go for free. The tennis club for example will open the courts, set up some games and skill stations and provide an afternoon of free coaching. Other particpating groups could do something related to their club or group.
The hope is for there to be range of stalls and free activities showcasing the village's schools, clubs, societies, hobby groups and businesses and with something of interest for every age, ability and demographic.
As with all village events, we will also ensure that there is provision for food drink and other refereshments such ice creams, traditional games, stalls and other activities such as a bouncy castle, alongside some additional fundraising through a raffle and auction.