Court Booking

 OTC Court Booking Rules

Please register with ClubSpark in order to use the booking facility. You can then access booking on your computer via the Club website or by downloading an app.

This can be done via the ClubSpark website

Please note:

  • Club members may book courts in up to two weeks in advance
  • Bookings can be made in blocks of between 30 mins and 2 hours
  • Each member can book up to 5 times per week
  • You will receive an email confirming your booking
  • Please cancel your court immediately if you are unable to play to free it up for others
  • If a booked court is not taken 10 minutes after the start time, the court is deemed as free for play and the booking invalid
  • No play before 8.30am or after 9.30pm please
  • Club members may only book the courts for their own use. When inviting a guest please adhere to the Club rules.
  • We kindly ask that all courts are now booked in advance through the booking page on this website