Team leagues

Team tennis is a very important part of the playing experience at Twickenham, with members encouraged to constantly improve their level of play and compete for places in the team squads. Generally there will be a squad of approximately eight players for a six person team. These are selected by the team captains in conjunction with the team coach. Regular practice sessions are organised, and team coaching is available on demand either as a group or individually from Rob Blundell.
Year-round team tennis is available with the teams and their respective leagues shown below:
Middlesex Summer Leagues (May-August)
Ladies 1 - Division 1 Capt S, Cecil
Ladies 2 - Division 4 Capt A Cardy
Ladies 3 - Division 7 Capt D.Nemtzov
Mens 1 - Division 2 Capt R Blundell
Mens 2 - Division 4 Capt A Cardy
Mens 3 - Division 6 Capt I.McGloughlin
Mens 4 - Division 8 Capt R Francis
Middlesex National League (Formerly Aegon)(April-June)
Ladies Div 3 Capts P Harrington/A Newport
Middlesex Summer Mixed Cup (April-July)
Mixed Div 2 Capt M Akiyama
Floodlit Leagues (September-March)
Ladies 1 - Division 3W Capt M Akiyama
Ladies 2 - Division 4W Capt A Cardy
Ladies 3 - Division 5W Capt J Piasek
Mens 1 - Division 3W Capt T Brewis
Mixed Team 1 - Division 1W Capt R Blundell
Mixed Team 2 - Division 2W Capt S Cecil
Winter Mixed Cup (September-March)
Ladies Div 2 Capt M Akiyama
Mens Div 2 Capt R Blundell
Veterans Leagues (Mixed) (September-March)
Team 1 - Division 3W Capt s. Harrison
Team 2 - Division 5W Capt P Harrington
Team 3 - Division 7W Capt G Gamble
Over 55 weekday mixed Capt J Howard