Club Champs 2021

Tennis@Woodend runs a number of fun and friendly club competitions throughout the year and encourages all members to get involved.


Club Championships Results 2021

The weather was kind to us for the Woodend Club Champs Finals Day on Saturday 11th September.  Brilliant turnout to support those playing  - thanks to John McCann and Garry Dixon for a sterling effort on the BBQ.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to evneryone who made it a great afternoon. Woodend at its best.

The results from the day:

  Winner(s) Runner(s) Up
Mens Singles Russell Allan Matt Greenshields
Ladies Singles Ellen Phillips Katie Littlefield
Mens Doubles Ryan MacLeod & Matt Greenshields Steve Mills & Colin McCambridge
Ladies Doubles Tricia Courteney & Emma Martin Elaine Drummond & Charlotte Petrie
Mixed Doubles Charlotte Petrie & Ross Ferguson Tricia Courteney & Stuart Drummond
Ladies Vets Doubles Alix McDonald & Christine Yuill Carol Nelson & Louise Hamilton
Mens Vets Singles Craig Patterson George Fleming
Mens Vets Doubles tbc tbc


2020 Winners

Gents Singles – Russell Allan

Ladies Singles – Charlotte Petrie

Mens Doubles - Russell Allan & Ross Ferguson

Ladies Doubles - Charlotte Petrie and Elaine Drummond



The Lang Park Mixed Doubles Competition

The annual Lang Park Tounrament is an inclusive and fun mixed doubles tournament which kicks off in Setpember and runs until early Spring. All adult members are encouraged to take part and pairings take account of varying levels of experience. Named after two late Woodend members, it is a great way to get out playing and meet new people. 

The first round is in league format with subsequent rounds, knock out. Those who don't get beyond the ealry stages can continue to compete for the Lang Park plate.

2021 Winners - Lynsey Rettie and Chris Hamilton

2021 Plate Winners - Louise Hamilton & Eddie Ptolomey

2020 Winners - Lynsey Rettie and John McCann

2019 Winners - Caroline Beaton and Gustavo

2019 Plate Winners - Louise Hamilton and Steven Gladman

2018 Winners – Yvonne Graham and Craig Paterson

2018 Plate Winners – Alix McDonald and Alan Hendry