Club Committee

On behalf of the Alsager Tennis Club Committee, welcome.


At Alsager Tennis Club, our Club Management Committee comprises of elected volunteers, a team of committed and experienced volunteers with one aim: to provide the best possible tennis playing experience for all of our members. They meet regularly and are here to  promote and develop the club for the benefit of all its members.

The affairs of the Club are conducted by a Committee made up of volunteers operating in key roles including Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary plus additional roles as required for the effective running of the club e.g. Welfare Officer, Communications Officer, Facilities Officer. All committee members should be members or associates of the Club and are to be elected or re-elected at the clubs AGM.


The management committee

The management committee meet regularly and make decisions together about the running of the club.We welcome input from all of members and would love to hear any ideas members may have about ways to improve the club experience. 



Please feel free to get in contact with any member of the committee for a chat, have a game or If you do have any  suggestions.


ALTC Committee Members


ALTC President

Rodney Cox





ALTC Chairman
Alastair Bain

Tel: 07976 569887



ALTC Treasurer 

Post available.


ALTC Secretary 

Rob Raby 

Tel:  07756 089773

Membership Secretary / Health & Safety Officer

Alastair Bain

Tel: 07976 569887


ALTC Welfare Officer 

ALTC Website Co-ordinator

Mark Bundy

Tel: 07999 442965



ALTC Media Officer

Tournaments & Events Coordinator 

Matt Simpson

Tel: 07756 864000



ALTC Facilities / Maintenance

Mike Rice

Tel: 07713 049186


ALTC - LTA / Cheshire LTA

Club Liaison Officer

Clive Young

Tel: 07785 110228



ALTC - Team Tennis Fixtures Secretary

Martin Bancroft

Tel: 07732 026863


ALTC - Membership and Club Development

Jason Lockett

Tel: 07881 650677



ALTC - Social Secretary 

Phil Stow
