ALTC Policies and Forms

Here at Alsager Lawn Tennis Club we take the safeguarding of our members and players extremely seriously. We are committed to ensuring that everyone involved with the club has the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse. The Club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status

In order to  uphold these values, the club has developed a number of  important  policies and procedures covering issues such as safeguarding, diversity, club code of conduct and whistleblowing. All members and guests are bound by these policies and it is imcumbent on them to familiarise themselves with the polocies and to follow the advice contained within them. Failure to follow the policies could result in disciplinary action, suspension or exclusion from the club.  



Please see below the club policies for Alsager Lawn Tennis Club;


ALTC - Safe Recruitment Policy

ALTC - Safeguarding Policy Statement

ALTC - Safeguarding Policy

ALTC - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy 

ALTC - Transgender-Inclusive Policy 

ALTC - Whistleblowing Policy

ALTC - Anti Bullying Policy

ALTC - Code of Conduct

ALTC - Compliments / Complaints

ALTC - Complaints Procedures

ALTC - Club Rules

ALTC -  Changing Room Policy

ALTC - LTA Photography Policy 

ALTC - Online Safety & Communications Policy 

ALTC - LTA Privacy Policy 

ALTC - Health & Safety Policy

ALTC - LTA Safeguarding at Events, Activities & Competitions Policy



Acceptable Use Statement- Internet & Social Media 

Lost or Missing Child Form

Photography And Video Consent Form





At Alsager Tennis Club, our  appointed and trained Welfare Officer is Mark Bundy.  If you have any concerns over the welfare of anyone at the club, please get in touch.


Mark Bundy - 07999 442965

email -


In his absence please contact our Club Chairman.

Alastair Bain - 07976 569887

e mail -