Court Access

Access to the courts is from Byfleets Lane. To avoid mud on the courts please wear sensible footwear when crossing the cricket outfield and change into tennis shoes when you arrive at the courts. 

The courts are secured by padlock with a 4 number combination. After dialling in the combination, squeeze the padlock from top to bottom and it will spring open.

Please lock the courts when you leave if nobody else is playing.

Members playing at the courts with non-members should note that a visitor’s fee of £2.50 should be made to the club  by BACs

Children and grandchildren under the age of 8 years are eligible to play with members free of charge.

The courts are in a conservation area. Whilst litter bins are provided at the courts, it will help us to keep the courts tidy if you could take litter home or deposit it in the council bin on the cricket outfield. Note that used tennis balls can be re-cycled by by the Club (see Newsletter for details).