BBHTC Spring Newsletter 2019

Dear Member,
Welcome to a new season of tennis at Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club.
Now that the clocks have changed, we can look forward to a new season of tennis and the committee hope that you will enjoy a great year of tennis.
Membership and Subscriptions.
The committee continues to promote the club as widely as possible. Last season saw a number of new members join the club and I am pleased to say that we have maintained our membership at approximately 90. I hope that players will continue to support our club by renewing their membership this year. This year we have held membership subscription fees as per last year:-
Adult - £65
Couple - £105
Family - £120 (to include children up to 18 years)
Junior - £18 (up to 18 years)
Student - £25 (18-25 years)
Seniors - £25 (75+ years)
Children and grandchildren up to 8 years - Free
Please use the following link to renew your membership for 2019/20:
Court bookings can be made up to 6 weeks in advance on the new website subject to formal club sessions and events.
Club social tennis sessions have been scheduled this season for Tuesday and Friday mornings. For further details please contact Jo Waddingham at
Coaching - a coaching association exists with Nigel Matthews, an LTA level 5 Masters club coach, who can be accessed through our website or directly through his website He is able to offer individual or group coaching.
Dates for your diary-
Wimbledon Ballot - Saturday 27th April
Tennis for all from 2pm followed by afternoon tea and cakes with the draw for 7 pairs of Wimbledon tickets allocated to the Club scheduled at 3.30pm.
Please note that to be eligible for this, members must have already opted in on the LTA website but additionally please confirm that you wish to be included by emailing Ann by Thursday 25th April at . If wet, the draw will take place in the cricket pavilion.
Summer BBQ - 30th June from 2pm
A fun afternoon of tennis followed by a BBQ at 4:00pm - details to follow.
End of Summer Afternoon of Tennis - Sunday 1st September. An afternoon of social tennis (2pm meet) followed by refreshments to mark the end of hopefully, a long, hot summer of great tennis.
Quiz evening
The club held its annual fundraising quiz in February and raised £400. Eight teams of members and guests enjoyed a highly entertaining evening with a chilli supper and a big thanks go to Michael and Jo Doran for acting as our fantastic quizmasters.
After a £75 contribution to the Mary Wharrie Trust (a local village charity for families in need) the remaining monies have been ear-marked to improve club facilities.
New Path to the Courts
For several years, the committee had looked at various options for improving the access to the courts from the parking area which could be quite a challenge during the wet, muddy months of the winter! After 3 days of intensive work by a local contractor and David Bridges, the area was cleared and the path route exposed. Over the next 2 weeks, with a fantastic effort from many club members, wood chips dropped by local tree surgeons were spread to complete the path. The surrounding clearing will be seeded with wild flowers and plants that will attract native butterflies to the area. As a thank you to David Bridges for all his hard work, the club had made a £100 donation to the Butterfly Conservation Project.
This will require members of the tennis club to help maintain the path and surrounding area each year by strimming and adding wood chips to the surface as they rot down. The next working party is scheduled for Sunday 14th April starting at 10am. Please come along if you can.
Regrettably from time to time, accidents involving individuals do occur. Could we once again request that any incidents at the courts are reported to the club so that they can be recorded by the club welfare officer at
Thank you for renewing your membership once again this year and we look forward to seeing you on court. Have a great mud-free season!
Mike Coombs
Club Chairman
Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club
BBHTC newsletters from previous years
Spring Newsletter 2018
Dear Member
Welcome to a new season of tennis at Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club.
Now that the clocks have moved forward, hopefully we have seen the last of the high winds, rain and snow that have affected not only the amount of tennis that has been played but also taken its toll on the courts themselves. We will ensure that any remedial work required to bring the courts back up to tip-top condition will be completed as quickly as possible and hope that you will enjoy a great year of tennis.
Membership and Subscriptions
The committee continues to promote the club as widely as possible in order to attract new members including juniors. We have maintained our membership figure to approximately 90 this year and hope that players will continue to support our club by now renewing their membership.
The club has had an excellent website but we now need to update it amongst other reasons to comply with new regulations relating to personal data information held by the club. With these considerations, the committee is introducing a new website, ‘Clubspark’ supported by the LTA. Our new website can be accessed at
Please bear with us while we continue to develop the new website.
This year we propose a small increase in membership subscription fees, the first increase for several years, as follows:-
Adult - £65
Couple - £105
Family - £120 (to include children up to 18 years)
Junior - £18 (up to 18 years)
Student - £25 (18-25 years)
Seniors - £25 (75+ years)
Children and grandchildren up to 8years - Free
Click on the following link to register and renew your membership for 2018/19:
Please note that we will no longer be issuing laminated membership cards unless specifically requested but padlock codes for the courts will be available on the website.
Court bookings can be made up to 6 weeks in advance on the new website subject to formal club sessions and events.
Club social tennis sessions have been scheduled this season for Tuesday and Friday mornings. For further details please contact Jo Waddingham at
Men’s and Ladies’ tennis - Men’s tennis will take place on the first Saturday of each month at 4pm, commencing on 5th May and will be co-ordinated by Mike Coombs (07748 184282) through WhatsApp. Additionally a round robin format tournament will be organised.
Following the success of last year’s event, a Ladies Day open to members and guests will be held in August (date to be confirmed) organised by Ann Lines. Details will follow nearer the event.
Summer Mixed Tournament - to run from 1st May to 31st August with the trophy being presented at the end of summer event in September. Members wishing to take part can enter as a mixed pairing or will be allocated a partner if preferred. Entries should be made to as soon as possible to ensure we can commence the tournament at the start of May.
Coaching - a coaching association exists with Nigel Matthews, an LTA level 5 Masters club coach, who can be accessed through our website or directly through his website He is able to offer individual or group coaching as well as courses such as Rusty Racquets and junior mini tennis held at other clubs in the area.
Dates for your diary-
Wimbledon Ballot - Sunday 29th April
Tennis for all from 2pm followed by afternoon tea and cakes and the draw for the 8 pairs of Wimbledon tickets we have been allocated this year at 3.30pm. Please note that to be eligible for this members must have already opted in on the LTA website but additionally please confirm that you wish to be included in the draw by emailing Ann on by Friday 27th April.
If wet, the draw will take place in the cricket pavilion.
Family Fun Day – July (date tbd)
An afternoon of tennis aimed at families and members with a coach on hand to offer tips to improve your game.
End of Summer Afternoon of Tennis - Sunday 2nd September
An afternoon of social tennis (2pm meet) followed by refreshments to mark the end of hopefully, a long, hot summer of great tennis with the presentation of the Summer Mixed Trophy to the winning pairing.
Quiz evening and path to the courts
The club held its annual fundraising quiz in January and raised an amazing £630. Over 60 members and guests enjoyed a highly entertaining evening with a chilli supper and thanks go to Mark and Annabel MCCord for acting as our fantastic quizmasters.
Funds raised at the evening have been ear-marked for preparing a path to run from the parking in Strood Lane, through the trees and scrubland to the courts. This will make accessing the courts far less muddy during the autumn and winter months. We are pleased to announce that in principle, both Broadbridge Heath and Warnham Parish Councils have now agreed to donate money to this project, so subject to final agreement this work will take place in August once the nesting season has ended.
Recycling of used tennis balls
We are running a scheme to recycle your old tennis balls which will raise money for the Club. Last season we raised £80. Please contact Paul Singleton at or call 01403 210296 or deliver them to his house, Lavender Cottage, School Hill, Warnham, RH12 3QN.
Regrettably from time to time, accidents involving individuals do occur. Could we request that any incidents at the courts are reported to the club so that they can be recorded by the club welfare officer at
Thank you for renewing your membership once again this year and we look forward to seeing you on court. Have a great season!
Mike Coombs
Club Chairman