
Club Tournament Winners 2020

We managed to complete our Club Tournamant on Sunday, with only one final due to injuries  and Covid 19.

We had a very competive Men's singles final, between Danel Senior and Ray Huntly, with Daniel this seasons winner.

Score: 6-2, 6-4. I suspect this may be the first of many, well played gents.

Well done also  to tournment organsier Jim Smith for his hard work putting together this seasons tournment under very adverse conditions, lets hope 2021 season is much less challenging.

Results in Full:

Men's Singles:  Daniel Senior bt Ray Hently 6-2, 6-4

Mens Doubles: Daniel Senior & Chris Steenberg bt Ray Huntly & Ed Aitchison w/o

Ladies Doubles & Mixed doubles - cancelled due to Covid 19