How to find us
Morpeth Tennis Club
Morpeth Hockey Cricket & Tennis Club,
NE61 3LL
AGM - Thursday 20th March, 7pm - This year's AGM is scheduled for 7pm on Thursday 20th March at the MCHTC (Morpeth Cricket, Hockey and Tennis Club) clubhouse. As usual, we shall be looking at the club's accounts, assessing development projects, reporting on club competitions and junior coaching, and making proposals for annual subscriptions, changes to the club constitution, and electing club officials. More details to follow.
Junior Coaching Social Evening - Saturday 15th March, 5-7pm - We are putting on a social evening for parents of junior players in the coaching programme and their parents/guardians. We hope to make this an annual event, with the coaching team looking back at the season just gone, presenting awards for all the efforts by the children, and handing out prizes. The evening will be free and the bar should be open, so that you can get a drink to go with the buffet food that we're putting on for the children. More details to follow.
End of Season Social Evening - Friday 18th October - The social and presentation evening, marking the end of the summer playing season, honoured much-loved member Bill Dunn, who passed away recently. Each of the winners of the events in the club championships received their trophies, some of which are now on display in the trophy cabinet in the clubhouse. We also highlighted the contributions of the team captains of the 14 teams that we put out. A big thanks to Ian Robinson, who provided the music for the evening, putting in a marathon stint singing along accompanied by his trusty acoustic guitar. For further details, see this news item.
Finals Weekend - The nine finals of the 2024 Club Championships were played on the weekend of 14th and 15th September. The weather was compliant this time, although a bit windy on the Saturday. Despite that, a good level of tennis was seen throughout and a healthy crowd came to watch the action on both days. See a summary of match results here and full details of finals weekend in this news item.
Club Projects - For details of our latest projects to convert are current energy-hungry floodlights to efficient LEDs, which has now been successfully completed, and to install an automated gate system for court entry, see the Development Plan page.
President's Day - Sunday 25th August - 1pm saw the kick-off of the President's Day social doubles tournament. First, though, we remembered much loved fellow member, Bill Dunn, who sadly passed away very recently. A minute's applause was a fitting tribute to such an ebullient and warm-hearted friend of the club. After photos were taken, the tournament got underway, in very blustery conditions. 24 players filled all the courts, with partners swapping every 15 minutes. For full details, see this news item.
Ladies Over-60s Team win all matches and are promoted - It was a remarkable season for the team, with no opposition team getting more than two sets in any of their matches. So, promotion, and a return to the top league, was a formality. For full details, see this news item.
Men's Over-60s Second Team are promoted - Success breeds success, they say, and this proved the case as the men's over-60s second team took inspiration from the first team and secured promotion with a victory in the title decider. See this news item for full details.
Men's Over-60s First Team are champions again - They always say that it's harder staying at the top than getting to the top, but the men's over-60s 1st team belied this mantra by completing a clean sweep of victories today at home to Beverley Park (see news item), thereby retaining the title of champions that they won with a similar set of results last year. Well done chaps!
CARDIO TENNIS IS BACK! - sessions take place every Thursday 6-7pm book here.
COACHING UPDATE: Sign up now for: Adult Tennis Xpress (Wednesday 10:30-11:30am), junior group Saturday 9-11 and Wednesday 5-6pm coaching courses.
Congratulations to Morpeth 2 Winter League team! In the final of their section of the league (knockout 5), they visited Cullercoats 2 in the final, and came away with a 5 sets to 3 (45 games to 37) victory to become the champions. Well done Jill, Eleanor, Colin and captain Jake, and also to all the other players who turned up for the team this season. Trophy presentation was held at the Northumberland Club on Sunday 24th March.
Eric Winton Trophy - Saturday 27th April: The second running of the annual Eric Winton Tropy doubles competition took place in blazing sunshine on the afternoon of 27th April. Ten randomly drawn pairs slugged it out in mini-matches of 24 points with three-point service rotation. Fun was the order of the day, followed by gentle debrief in the clubhouse afterwards. For details see this news item.
Defibrillator: If anyone collapses at the club, there is a defibrillator just inside the entrance of the clubhouse. See here for details.
Article in Northumberland Gazette: In October 2023, the club had a newspaper article published which mentions the improvements we made to our facilities and also covers the summer league championships that three of our teams won during the season. For details see this news item.
EVENT CALENDAR: check out our Events page for upcoming events and reports on previous events.
Locking Up Courts - There have been a number of occasions recently where the gates to the courts, particularly the top courts, have been left open. Can everyone make a special effort to ensure that if you are the last person to leave either the top courts or bottom courts, you lock the main gate and check that any other gates are locked. For the top courts this means checking that the combination lock is in place and showing a random combination and that the gate with the handle next to the hockey pitch is locked. Thanks.
NEW adult & junior Club Leisurewear launched!
We are located within the grounds of Longhirst Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 3LL
We have 6 floodlit courts (3 recently laid & 3 refurbished), a clubhouse that we share with Morpeth Hockey and Morpeth Cricket clubs, with a bar, changing rooms, showers and a meeting room.
Pay as you play: we are now able to take play as you pay bookings - please book a court through our COURT BOOKING tab
We welcome new players to the club, and offer several types of membership.
Please feel free to contact us at
For general information on the club, including club documents, sponsorship deails, newsletters, minutes from committee meetings, and the club champions board, see the CLUB INFO page.
End of Season Social 2024
4 months ago
Club Championship 2024
6 months ago
President's Day Tournament 2024
6 months ago
You can now pay for your annual membership online by credit, debit card and direct debit. You can also pay by bank transfer in full or monthly - please contact the club secretary if you prefer these options. We also still accept cash and cheques!
We are now accepting 'pay as you play' visitors - simply click on an available court and time to book.
Morpeth Tennis Club
Morpeth Hockey Cricket & Tennis Club,
NE61 3LL