
Tournament Finals Day

This season's club tournament finals day is on this  Sunday 3rd October.

Ladies doubles final to start from 09:30 am

Men's singles , Mixed & Men's doubles from 2:00pm.

To mark the opening of the new clubhouse we'd like to offer refreshments for players and spectators.

Coffee and biscuits will be available in the morning for spectators who wish to attend the morning matches.

In the afternoon we are planning to have a buffet table with contributions from members for the buffet if possible please. (sandwiches, quiche & other finger foods, etc)

We will have a raffle with some fabulous prizes too, all proceeds will go to club funds.

So that we  have an idea of numbers, please reply to, outlining the number of people who will be attending and what (not obligatory) you might like to contribute to the buffet.  

Provisional Order of Play:

10:00  Ladies Doubles Final.                                                            

13:00 Men's Singles Final.                                                        

14:15 Men's Doubles   Final.     

15:30  Mixed Doubles Final (for Nick Lever Trophy).                                                        

Note:  all the times are approximates and weather dependent too