
Annual General Meeting

Our AGM will be held on 10th March starting at 19:30 hrs in the clubhouse



1.  Apologies for absence

2. To accept the minutes of the previous AGM

3.  Any Matters arising from the AGM

4.  Chairman's Report

5.  Treasurer's Report & agree the latest accounts.

6.  Coaches Report

7.  Re-appoint Robertson Assoc Ltd as Accountants

8.  Approve the re-election of the Committee members.

9.  AOB 


Mike Pottage, Club Secretary



1.   Minutes and accounts will be circulated on the night prior to the meeting

2.   We will be holding a small presentation once the meeting has adjourned

3.  We will be serving free light refreshments on the night including Chilli, tea, coffee & wine, so we can have an idea of numbers attending, please contact Liz or Sara by email:  or to advise them you will be attending

Our AGM will be held on 10th March starting at 19:30 hrs in the clubhouse