
Annual General Meeting


1.  Apologies for absence

2. To accept the minutes of the previous AGM

3.  Any Matters arising from the AGM

4.  Chairman's Report

5.  Treasurer's Report & agree the latest accounts.

6.  Coaches Report

7.  Re-appoint Robertson Assoc Ltd as Accountants

8.  Approve the re-election of the Committee members.

9.  AOB 


Mike Pottage, Club Secretary



1.   Minutes and accounts will be circulated on the night prior to the meeting

2.  We will be serving free light refreshments on the night including Chilli, tea, coffee & wine, so we can have an idea of numbers attending, please contact Liz or Sara by email:  or to advise them you will be attending

Our AGM will be held on 8th March starting at 19:30 hrs in the clubhouse