Hythe LTC Rules & Code of Conduct

Club Rules & Code of Conduct (PDF)
- The Management Committee shall have the power to close the tennis courts, at such times and for such periods, as they consider necessary.
- The courts are available for play during daylight hours and on an evening under floodlights until 10.00 pm.
- Club Social Mix-in sessions are held on Thursday & Saturday afternoons from 2pm & Wednesday evenings from 6pm.
- Singles play is not allowed during mix in sessions other than to allow waiting players to knock up or keep warm during the winter months.
- During social mix-in periods, no member shall be allowed to play more than one set of not more than 11 games, if there are other members of the club waiting to play and no other court is vacant.
- Players shall provide their own tennis balls of a reasonable standard.
- No member shall play music on the courts unless part of cardio tennis training.
- Members must abide by the Management Committee’s rules on tennis shoe soles suitable for the court surfaces.
- No member or guest shall play on any court unless suitably attired for tennis.
- Junior court block bookings shall be agreed between the Management Committee and the Club Coach and pre-booked using the on-line booking system.
- In the interest of safety dogs and small children are not allowed within the court area during play, unless under adult supervision.
Admission of Members
Any person who wishes to become a member must submit an application in such form as the Management Committee may decide.
There shall be the following classes of membership for the club:
- Adult member
- Junior member
- Junior member with Senior Status (by invite of the Head Coach)
- Student member
- Honorary member (created by the Management Committee)
- Any full member may introduce guests to the club.
- Anyone whose application for membership has been declined or who has been expelled from the club may not be introduced as a guest.
- The Management Committee shall have the power to bar any person from being invited to the Club as a guest, if it believes that it is in the best interests of the Club to do so.
- The member introducing the guest must pay the appropriate guest fee online and no one may be admitted as a guest on more than five occasions in any club year.
- Junior (Senior Status) members do have access to the online court booking system and may play with other senior status members or invite non-members (of a similar playing standard) as a guest, providing the appropriate guest fee has been paid online in advance.
Hythe LTC Code of Conduct
The Club's Officers & Committee, Volunteers and Members agree to:
- Prioritise the well-being of all children and adults at risk at all times
- Treat all children and adults at risk fairly and with respect
- Be a positive role model. Act with integrity, even when no one is looking
- Help to create a safe and inclusive environment both on and off court
- Not allow any rough or dangerous behaviour, bullying or the use of bad or inappropriate language
- Report all allegations of abuse or poor practice to the club Welfare Officer
- Not use any sanctions that humiliate or harm a child or adult at risk
- Value and celebrate diversity and make all reasonable efforts to meet individual needs
- Keep clear boundaries between professional and personal life, including on social media
- Have the relevant consent from parents/carers, children and adults before taking or using photos and videos
- Refrain from making physical contact with children or adults unless it is necessary as part of an emergency or congratulatory (e.g. handshake / high five)
- Not smoke or take drugs of any kind on club premises or whilst representing the club at competitions or events. Alcohol may be consumed, in moderation, in the clubhouse or on the patio area
- Ensure roles and responsibilities are clearly outlined and everyone has the required information and training
- Avoid being alone with a child or adult at risk unless there are exceptional circumstances
- Refrain from transporting children or adults at risk, unless this is required as part of a club activity (e.g. away match) and there is another adult in the vehicle
- Not abuse, neglect, harm or discriminate against anyone; or act in a way that may be interpreted as such
- Not have a relationship with anyone under 18 for whom they are coaching or responsible for
- Be acutely aware of the power that coaches and coaching assistants develop over players in the coaching relationship and avoid any intimacy (sexual or otherwise) with players
All Children agree to:
- Be friendly, supportive and welcoming to other children and adults
- Play fairly and honestly
- Respect club staff, volunteers and Officials and accept their decisions
- Behave, respect and listen to your coach
- Take care of your equipment and club property
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, culture, religion or sexual identity
- Not use bad, inappropriate or racist language, including on social media
- Not bully, intimidate or harass anyone, including on social media
- Not smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs of any kind on club premises or whilst representing the club at competitions or events
- Talk to the club Welfare Officer about any concerns or worries they have about themselves or others.