The Linslade Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our club at all times, including all programmes and events we run. We strive to minimise risk, deliver a positive tennis experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns/disclosures.
The LTA has partnered with Sport England to pilot a cutting edge safeguarding campaign aimed at clubs, coaches, parents and players. Please look at the safetoplaytennis website for more information.
- Fiona McGarvie - Linslade Welfare Officer Email: / Mobile 07982 245114
- LTA Safeguarding Team - 0208 487 7000 /
- NSPCC - 0808 8005000
Linslade Tennis Club Policies
- Linslade - safeguarding-policy
- Linslade - safeguarding-policy-statement
- Linslade - diversity-and-inclusion-policy
- Linslade - reporting-a-concern-flowcharts
- Linslade - compliments-complaints-and-disciplinary-policy
- Linslade - complaints-policy
- Linslade - safeguarding-at-events-activities-and-competitions
- Linslade - anti-bullying-policy
- Linslade - use-of-changing-rooms-policy
- Linslade - photography-and-filming-policy
- Linslade - online-safety-and-communication-policy
- Linslade - social media policy
- Linslade - safe-recruitment-policy
- Linslade - whistle-blowing-policy
- Linslade - Sun Safety
LTA Supporting Information
- 5-ways-to-wellbeing-coaches
- LTA -safeguarding-adults-policy
- LTA-photography-policy-final
- LTA-safeguarding-children-policy
- LTA-transgender-inclusion-policy-september-2019
- mental-health-and-well-being-guide
- safeguarding-guidance-for-livestreaming-activities-coaches
- safeguarding-guide-county-cup-and-league-matches
- staying-safe-online-guidance