Morpeth Cricket, Hockey & Tennis Club President's Day Social Tournament 2024
Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00
Conditions for President's Day at Morpeth Cricket, Hockey & Tennis Club on Sunday 25th August were pretty blustery, which probably deterred many from taking advantage of the free coaching and training session at lunchtime. But the 24 hardy souls who signed up for the social tournament all assembled in good time for the 1pm kick-off.
Before play started, we took time to remember Bill Dunn, who passed away recently. Bill was loved by all for his wicked laugh, playful nature and willingness to help anyone out and do anything for the club he regarded as a second home. Chairperson Barry led one minute's applause to celebrate Bill having been a part of our lives.
A group photo was taken, then players decamped to the courts they had been randomly allocated to. Paul Ward devised a doubles format, comprising a set of 15 minute matches, with partners changing with each match, the winners splitting and moving up a court while the losers also split but went down a court.
The competition would be an individual one, with each player counting the number of games they had won. John Nichol, Paul Ward's brother-in-law, recorded the scores after each round from the warmth and safety of his car, so a big thanks to John.
Despite the tricky conditions, with light rain mixing it with the wind, a good standard was maintained by all. After two and a half hours of battle, it was decided to repair to the clubhouse for refreshments, where there was a festive atmosphere, with people from tennis, hockey and cricket, and their friends and admirers, relaxing, eating and listening to the live music. Meanwhile, the scores were totted up.
Paul Ward delivered the results in reverse order:
- In third place was Janet Horscroft.
- In second place was Paul Ward (not at all suspiciously).
- In first place was Richard Huck.
So, congratulations to Richard for a sterling effort, especially considering he had open heart surgery in January, so just being on court is a triumph. Well done to Janet and Paul as well for pushing Richard hard.
Thanks also to Peter Sanderson, Rod Hall and Peake Performance Sports for donating prizes for the event. And, of course, thank to everyone who took part.