Bryan Brother Doubles Course

Bryan Brothers Doubles Course
6 week doubles course, 1 hour 30 minutes each week, based on the tactics and 'plays' used by the Bryan Brothers, the most successful doubles team in the history of tennis. Drills and strategies also used from Craig O' Shaunessey, ATP lead stats analyst as to winning patterns of play.
The course is based on teachings by the Bryan Brothers on the website 'Fuzzy Yellow Balls' in their video tuition 'The Doubles Specialist', as well as the new 'British Doubles System' introduced to the LTA by Louis Cayer.
Course Overview
Week 1 - Serving Team 1 - when to pinch, poach or fake, serving down the middle and at the body, traffic light system.
Week 2 - Serving Team 2 - an alternative way to look at the court, serving wide and server's partner's choices
Week 3 - Serving Team 3 - Serve and volleying, alternative plays, 'I' formation, Australian
Week 4 - Returning Team - pinch return, block return, lob and line return.
Week 5 - The role of the returner's partner, after the serve and return
Week 6 - Additional 'plays' and putting it all together.
Course dates to be annouced shortly, please email if you are interested in this course.