Mixed Summer 2024

If you haven't already done so, please let us know you wish to take part.  You will be allocated to one of the teams.

Saturday Late Summer Mixed - Saturdays 2pm from 20th July 2024 - (2 teams of 6 players per team)

Player Particpation vs Bye-Law 27 League - Tuesdays 6pm from April 29th - (2 teams of 4 - 6  players per team)

Division 1 - Tuesday Mixed Team Linden 6pm (Captain Ruth)

Division 1 - Tuesday Mixed Team Crescent 6pm (Captain Sue)

Starts on 7th May using the previously scheduled (dumped) players. Prompt starts at 6pm please. Thanks to captains Sue  and Ruth for setting this league up. Please can players bring £2 to cover new balls for the three courts. The captains hope this will be enjoyable and will be putting in others who wanted occasional matches. Sue will set up a seperate WhatsApp group, 'Against Bye-Law 27 Competition' for theTuesday players incase people can't play etc. If the weather is bad, we will just move to the next week.

CANCELLED MIDWEEK MIXED OPTIONS (confirmed fixtures in bold)

  • Division 2 Teams (B team) - (Practise 29/04/09), (Bye-Law 27 07/05/24), (Brentwood B 14/05/2024 Home), (Bradfield, 21/05/2024 Away ),  Bamford 04/06/2024 Home),  (Mex18/06/2024 Away),  (Thorn B 25/06/2024 home),  (Thorn A 02/07/2024  Home), (Abbey B 09/07/2024 Away).
  • Division 4 Teams (C team) - (Practise 29/04/09), (Bye-Law 27 07/05/24), (Bye-Law 27 14/05/24 - in luie of Moorgate C), (Moorgate D 14/05/24 home & 21/05/24 Away), Doncaster 04/06/24 Home & 09/07/24 Away),  (Rustlings C 18/06/24 Away  & 25/06/24 Home), (Moorgate C 02/07/24 Away).
  • Division 1 Teams (A team) - Brentwood A 18/06/24?
  • Division 3 Teams - Brentwood D 04/06/24; Brentwood C 18/06/24. Also check with Chesterfield C withdrawn so any date to suit.

CONTEXT: Sheffield & District LTA BYE-LAW 27

We believe this discriminatory bye-law (specifically clause 27.b) is outdated and not fit for purpose within the LTA emphasis to promote tennis participation and tennis for all. Bye-law 27.b  is contrary to encouraging player participation and is discriminatory against lower ranked players. We think that in the spirit of fair play that clubs should be allowed to use discretion when unexpectedly facing a shortage of players outside of its control. This rule is stuck in the past, based entirely to 'stop cheating' rather than respect the integrity of a club to make a reasonable decision.

Bye-law 27.b is particularly discriminatory against lower ranked players for several reasons:

1. Lower ranked players are mandated to play matches at a level that is unsuitable for them in order to fulfil the bye-law and contrary to the enjoyment of the game.  (Prevents Player Participation)

2. The lowest ranked players in the lowest division have their bottom division constantly bombarded by higher ranked teams that have been thrown out to start at the bottom again, without discretion. (Discourages Player Participation)

3. The lower ranked teams who already are likely to have fewer matches to play due to bye-law 9b & 9c (applied as having to field higher level teams and drop the lower team on the day),  are more likely to have their scheduled fixtures further diminished as the lowest place team has to be withdrawn, first. (Limits Player Participation based on ability).


Other district leagues have similar rules but allow reasonable exemptions when referred back through their match secretary on appeal   in the interests of player participation. Other district leagues also allow for reasonable exemptions on appeal to the standard rule for a higher squad of players being unavailable to fulfil a fixture (Bye-law 13.b), without severely impacting the enjoyment of the game for others.

Here are the RULES the SDLTA Council are expected to uphold. We believe rule 2e is currently  being applied in a way that is rooted in the past to protect against "deliberate cheating" and not in keeping with fair play and definitely not in keeping with the current ethos of inclusion and  participation for all. The LTA Participation Representative is a co-opted member of the SDLTA Council.

Examples of Events that a club/team has no control over that could affect higher level squads and which clubs may not have the calibre of reserve or lower team players to cover in the context of fairplay, inclusion and enjoyment of the sport of tennis:


  • A cohort of players choosing to move to another club to progress their own game by playing with  similar standard players for practise & matches.
  • Key players sustaining long term injuries precluding them from sensibly turning out for a season (10 weeks goes by quickly).
  • Work committments that cause a change in routine for key players and thus availability for a specific day.
  • Family committments that cause a change in routine for key players and thus availability for a specific day or in availabily generally.
  • Medical / pregnancy break.
  • A cohort of young talented players go away to university.

Individual Week

  • Club Wedding, Hen Do, Stag weekend.
  • Bank holiday/ Summer Holiday Prime Time School holidays/halfterm weekends.