
Wimbledon Draw and Social Wooden Racket Tournement

We held our Wimbledon Draw on Sunday 8th April and combined this with a social wooden racket tournament. 

All good fun with a nice turnout of 12 so worked well. We had some very enjoyable and interesting tennis in lovely sunshine for a change. 

Derek Scambler and Anne Richardson won the prizes for best dressed outfits

Nick McCreath and Derek Scambler were the winners of the tournament.

The lucky winners out of the hat this year were :
Karen Bagley
David Martin
Kit Cawthorn
Judith Maud
Kathy Tiernan
Andrew Ayre
Andrew Garner
Hannah Bagley

Two winners declined their tickets so we are just working our way down our reserve list:
Emma Nicholson
Claire Ward
Jackie Kaines
Helen Ringland
Ali Calder. 

Once again thank you to all who opted in and for your continued support to the club.