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Famous Tennis Player From Devon
- Sue Barker is from Devon - Sue was talent spotted while playing for her school, the Marist Convent in Paignton in Devon. She was then coached by Arthur Roberts, the man behind the success of former Wimbledon winner, Angela Mortimer who lifted the Rosewater Dish in 1961.
- Angela Mortimer born in Plymouth in April 1932 – World No1 in 1961, Wimbledon winner 1961, & Finalist 1958, Australian winner 1958, French winner 1955 & Finalist 1956, US Semi-finalist 1961
This link will take you to all the famous players from Devon (no one more famous than Sue Barker or Angela Mortimer) https://www.google.com/search?q=famous+tennis+players+from+Devon&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB738GB741&oq=famous+tennis+players+from+Devon&gs_lcrp=EgZ