All Members

Dear New Member/ Returning Member
Welcome to DLTC 2024!
If you are a new member, you will have to pay for a Gate and Clubhouse Key through this category on the membership page.
Flat soled footwear only. No heavy treads.
And now onto the fun bit!
The Club opens when the blaes courts have been carefully prepared by the court preparation team – a group of skilled members and volunteers. This is usually early to mid- April. They close when the blaes surface becomes unplayable following heavy frost. This can be any time from early November or if we are lucky, sometimes play continues well into December.
The Court Planner on the website under ‘Booking’ shows the weekly schedule of court usage. We try to keep this as accurate as possible but there will be mistakes occasionally. Saturday/ Sunday Team Practice Bookings are sometimes deleted to free up courts when they are not needed - so if you are very keen, it’s worth checking and re-checking the Planner on a Sat/ Sun morning to see if there have been any changes.
Members can book any empty slots for their own play. Just make sure you are signed in to do so… otherwise you will see a padlock. Adult Members can book up to 3 slots, up to 6 days in advance. Juniors can book 3 slots up to 3 days in advance. There is also a ClubSpark app for those of you who like that sort of thing. Just make sure you know how to cancel your court on it if not required. .
What kind of tennis at Drummond is right for you?/
If you are a new member and just want to get to know other people, try Social Tennis or contact There is a charge for the mixed ability Group Coaching Sessions but they are a great way to get to know other members at levels of play to suit.
If your level of play is good enough and you are looking for serious tennis against other clubs in the East of Scotland District Leagues, contact marked FAO of the appropriate Team Captain: Dan McKiddie (1), Jonny Macausland (2), Graham Thomson (3) or Holly Foxwell for the ladies’ team. You will need to be available April, May, June for regular home and away matches on the weekday evening allocated to the division a particular team is in. Team Practices are Men 9-12 Sat and Women Sun 10-12. Every second Thursday 7-9pm is Women’s Doubles Development Time open to any women interested in playing in the Leagues now or in future or just to help build up women's doubles at the club.
At the end of June the weekend ‘Team Practice’ becomes ‘Social Competitive Doubles’ and is open to all members able to keep a game going, without any need to commit to regular evening league matches
Social Tennis ‘turn up and mix in’ times are Wed 12-2 and Fri 6-8pm. Experience shows these work best with a clear format and a volunteer facilitator. Please don’t be shy to volunteer your services.
Coaching opportunities for children and adults are shown on the Court Planner and full details are on the Coaching section of the website. Drummond LTC / Coaching ( Children’s classes have to be booked and paid for through the ClubSpark link on the Coaching website. Adult Coaching is turn up and pay on the day. Individual and Small Group lessons can be organised using the appropriate link on the Coaching page.
Box Leagues are informal internal competitive matches where participants are put into a league with around 6 others of a similar ability. Separate information will be circulated to members about these.
The Drummond Tournament (Club Championships) runs Aug/ September. All who can keep a game going are welcome to enter. Matches for the early rounds take place in August with tension building up to the Finals which are most likely to run over 2 weekends in September. There is also a Club Championship Fun tournament with Handicap that runs as part of the Tournament. Dates for all finals will be confirmed by the Tournament Committee asap.
Socials Events over the year are likely to include
- Opening Party
-Whites Party
- Additional Fun Tournament with Handicap System
-British Heart Foundation Fundraiser
- BBQs for each of the DLTC Tournament Finals Days
-There is the opportunity for many more social events – members are encouraged to suggest and help organise other appropriate events. Any theme will do!
The Committee
The Committee’s main role is to manage risk and allow for the safe and smooth day-to-day operation of the club. This means devising and maintaining policies and practices that meet LTA requirements, organising repairs, allocating court time to reflect the members’ different interests, managing due process, having clear rationales for decisions made etc etc. That doesn’t leave the Committee much time to organise fun stuff or wash the club tea towels – but it does provide as safe a space as is practically possible for members to enjoy the courts and who, in turn, can help develop the fun side, get involved in making things happen. Think out of the service box. It doesn't all have to be about tennis. Members could be proactive in interior design improvements, sustainability issues, singing carols on the top court…
We wish you well with your time at the club and look forward to seeing you on court, in the clubhouse, leaving down the lane with a big bag of recycling…