Guests and Visitors
The Club welcomes guest players and hopes that once they have had the opportunity of using the facilities, they might decide to join.
The fee per visitor/guest is £5 per visit and payment should be made before play commences. This payment can be made online at the Membership section of the club website or by making payment to a committee member in person.
Each member may invite 12 guests per year. The same guest can play a maximum of TWICE in any month. There is no restriction on the number of guests you can invite on any one occasion, provided your total in one year does not exceed 12.
Junior members can sign in other juniors, but cannot sign in adult guests.
Members’ responsibilities
It is the responsibility of individual members to ensure that guest fees have been paid in advance of playing.
Random court checks will be carried out by the committee and members asked for payment of fees where these do not appear to have been made.
As a member, you have a right to ask players whether they are members and, if not, whether they have been signed in. All guests must play with a member.