
Booking Rules from April 2021

Court booking rules from April 12th 2021 

Court usage and availability will be reviewed regularly and the rules amended if required. If changes are made, the updated information will be made available on the ClubSpark website and emailed to members. 

Please only book the time you need, turn up and leave on time and update the booking system as soon as you can if you need to cancel or amend a booking. 

Our court booking rules aim to help all members get the most from playing at the club and the maximum number of members get the opportunity to play and enjoy the courts.  

As the club only has only two courts and the membership numbers have increased significantly, court availability may come under pressure and we ask you to be considerate to your fellow club members.  

In the unlikely event that the booking rules are not fairly adhered to, the committee reserves the right to cancel bookings or suspend a member's booking rights. 

Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn on court. Sharing of food or drink is not permitted under Covid-19 guidance. 

 The club provides tennis balls and the latest LTA guidance advises that the sharing of tennis balls no longer poses a Covid-19 risk.  Please do not remove club supplied balls from the courts so they are available for other players. Once balls are too worn for play, they may be removed for e.g. dryer balls / dogs etc. Stocks of new balls will be replenished on a regular basis.   

Court bookings are available in half hour slots, the maximum bookable session is four slots. Provided the court is not booked immediately after you, players may continue for a maximum of 30 minutes to say complete a set.  

Each member or group of players can only book and / or play on the courts once per day. This means different players in the same group cannot make consecutive bookings. 

Bookings can be made up to seven days ahead. Currently every member may book up to three sessions per week.  

Guests are welcome, but after three visits in a membership year, we would hope to welcome them as new members. 

Wherever possible, please include the name(s) of the other players on a booking. The booking app does not currently have this functionality, so please use the website to book if you can. This will assist us in ensuring the above rules are being adhered to. It also helps with test and trace so if this is not provided, we may contact the booker to provide names in the event that someone reports being Covid-19 positive. 

These guidelines only cover a subset of the LTA guidance for players, so please regularly visit the LTA website to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest comprehensive regulations. As an LTA registered venue, the club, coaches and players can all contribute to the success of the return to play journey. 

Finally, please enjoy your tennis at Gosforth Garden Village! 

If you have any questions or queries, please email: