
June 2021 newsletter

Gosforth Garden Village Tennis Club    News  June 2021  

Junior, Family and Guardian session  

Now covid-19 restrictions are being relaxed and juniors from different families can play together again, the regular session for juniors has been re-instated on the Friday afternoon as follows:- 

Friday from 3.30pm onwards - Junior / Family and Guardian session. 

The session is also open to Family and Guardian members. No booking is required for this just turn up and play. In previous years juniors could play unsupervised, however with many covid-19 restrictions still in place at least one adult should remain present at the courts whilst they are in use by juniors. 

Pop-up Leagues Update 

These fixtures have now begun so once confirmed, the home match times will be booked on the ClubSpark system.  Many thanks for those who have volunteered to take part in the matches.             

Please note that there is a Men's home league match on Tuesday the 15th of June starting at 6.30pm so the courts will not be available for social play that evening. 

Wimbledon ticket allocation 2021 

LTA members should have received information via email directly from the LTA about the ticket allocation system for Wimbledon 2021 which has replaced the ballot system.  

Court Access 

As a small tennis club located within the community it is essential that we are mindful of impacts on local residents. This is one of the reasons that the courts are only available for booking or play between 9am and 9.30pm each day. We would like to remind members that play is not permitted outside of these times.  

ClubSpark account migration 

The process to combine LTA and ClubSpark accounts has been temporarily suspended to iron out some issues.  The migration process will be restarted in the coming weeks/months.