Court Booking

How do I book a court at Latika?

You can book a court via our booking page. Courts are only available outside of classes, squad sessions and tournaments (which will show up on the calendar as you look to book).

How much does it cost?

If you are a current member with us and logged into clubspark, it is free to book a court and is included in your membership. For non-members it costs £6.70 per hour.

How far in advance can I book?

Courts can be booked up to 5 days in advance and for a maximum of 2 hours at a time.

Do you have floodlights?

Yes we have floodlights on all courts. Both members and non-members pay an extra £4.00 per hour for the use of lights if they play during night hours. The lights are automatically switched on and off in accordance with the booking time.