Our club is unique locally as we are open to everyone and non members can Pay & Play for £15 for 1 hour.
Bookings are made for courts 1 and 2. If the £15 in the darker grey text is not showing on the time you want then the court is not available for Pay & Play. Once booked, you will be emailed a code to access the courts.
You can book 3 days in advance and make only one booking in a 3 day window.
To book your court, go to the Court Booking page. Click on the court you want and follow the links that will appear.
You will need to register with Clubspark, pay by card and provide your email address. If you intend to play more than once you may find it quicker and easier to book by using the ClubsparkBooker App mobile phone.
We have a great new membership approach and when you're ready, you might like to become a member. The benefits of becoming a member can be found here.
For any further help contact
Clubspark Booking App for Android
Thank you.
Enjoy your Tennis!