

Eric Winton Trophy 2023

The Eric Winton Trophy, so named as a tribute to long-time servant of the club, Eric Winton, was held on the afternoon of Saturday 29th April, 2023.  The format involved making pairs drawn by lots, with each pair playing all the other seven pairs in their group over matches of 24 points.  Each player got to serve twice in batches of three points, with the change-around coming at 12 points played.

A great day's tennis was had by all, and mercifully it stayed dry.  Eric was on hand to start proceedings, making a short speech and producing a welcome gift of 24 bottles of beer, to go to the eventual champions.

The proximity of the bank holiday probably affected attendance slightly, particularly on the ladies' side, but Lilian and Helen fought a good fight amidst the male-dominated but not overly testosterone laden environment.

Steph Cox was a late withdrawal, and James stepped in to take her place.  To keep the scorecard correct, James was referred to as Steph, which he took in remarkably good spirit.

Tennis was, of course, the winner, but in terms of points the top placings were as follows:

  • 1st - Graham Fewell & Paul Meigh: 98 points
  • 2nd - Alex Laude & Steve Watkins: 97 points
  • 3rd - Trevor Herron & Lilian Brown: 95 points
  • 4th - Gary McDonnell & James Chapman: 94 points

A very close finish, with a recount being required to prevent future challenges of the result, Donald Trump style.

Thanks to all for entering the competition.  The next event is President's Day on Sunday 27th August, so make a note in your diary and let's fill all six courts.