
Corbridge Tennis Club Set For New £85,000 Clubhouse

A local tennis club is about to embark on the latest phase of its major redevelopment as reported in the Hexham Courant

Corbridge Tennis Club chairman Nick Steenberg revealed that tens of thousands of pounds have been raised to pay for a new clubhouse.

He said, "I’m delighted to advise that Corbridge Tennis Club despite COVID 19, are now about to embark on the latest exciting phase in the Club’s development.

The club was only formed in 2012, since then it has erected three all weather floodlit tennis courts at Tynedale Park, the home of Tynedale Rugby Club for the community at large.

Thanks to the cooperation of our landlords, hard work from the club’s directors, committee and club members, their funding raising efforts have sourced some £85,000  to build a modern purpose built clubhouse/ pavilion.

The bulk of the financial support has been sourced from Sport England, NCC 106 housing, Northumberland County Councillor grant contributions, a generous loan from NLTA as well as the clubs own funds. "

Chris Lott, Northumberland Lawn Tennis Assiociation Chairman commented "We are very pleased to have been able to assist Corbridge to reach their fundraising target  via our Small Loans Scheme. I would like to congratulate Nick and his committee for the tremendous achievement in getting this project under way in the challenging year of COVID."

The building contract has been awarded to LRD Associates of Tinklers yard, Corbridge, construction work to start imminently.