Local Tennis Leagues

Whatever your level – beginner or advanced – meet new people, power up your game and compete at a park court near you with Barclays Local Tennis Leagues. 

Over 200 mixed singles and doubles leagues are taking place at local parks and public courts across the nation all year round for adults over the age of 18, and we want you to get involved. 

Never competed before? No problem –  the LTA will help you find a tennis opponent using your ITF World Tennis Number, so you play opponents at the right standard for you.  

Improve your skills, find someone to play tennis with and win LTL coupons throughout the year by signing up to a Barclays Local Tennis League near you.  In Bexley we have the Bexley Parks Local League.

Download the LTA app to join Barclays Local Tennis Leagues

Head to the App Store or Google Play Store below to download the app and start finding your nearby leagues:

  • Log in/create an account
  • Search and choose a League near you e.g Bexley Parks Tennis League
  • Select a round to join and complete the checkout

The LTA will add you to a group with other players of your standard, according to your ITF World Tennis Number. The day before the round starts, you’ll receive all the information you need to get playing!