Tennis for Beginners
If you have never played tennis before, or haven't played in a long time, the Tennis Improvers is for you. It is an easy and fun way for adult beginners to get into the game.
During the 11 weeks course you will be taught new skills and be shown how to serve, rally and score, so that you will be able to enjoy fun matches with your friends, family or other people you meet.
Please note that those classes need a minimum of 6 players signed up to run.
Beginner/improver -Monday Fast learners Class -Monday , 6th January - 9am -10am:
Beginner/improver-Tuesday Legends Class -Tuesday , 7th January -10am-11am :
Beginner/improver-Thursday Improvers Class-Thursday 9th January -10am-11am :
Beginner/improver-Friday Improver Class-Friday 10th January- 9am-10am:
Beginner/improver-Friday Intermediate Class-Friday 10th January- 9am-10am:
Beginner/improver-Friday Superstars Class-Friday 10th January -11am-12pm: