Terms and Conditions

(1) Introduction
These terms and conditions govern your use of our website; by using our website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use our website.
(2) Our details
The full name of the company is Tennis4All. You can contact us by email at tom@northamptontennis4all.co.uk
(3) Booking of courses
All course bookings are subject to availability.
It is your responsibility to check that you/your player has/have been enrolled for the correct group (squad), and that you are aware of the correct timings and location of this class.
All coaching courses will not run during state school holidays (excluding camps). Clients will be advised by the coach when the last session of term is, but it is your responsibility to know the duration of the coaching course.
You will be required to provide a current email address to confirm bookings.
We reserve the right to amend any terms and conditions within this document.
(a) Juniors (18 and under)
All group (squad) bookings must be confirmed by Tennis4All by email. To book onto a group (squad) we need the player’s name, DOB, address, any medical condition, allergy, or special needs info, parent’s full name, mobile number and email address. This information is needed at least 24 hours before the time of the squad and a confirmation from Tennis4All to have been received by parent before the player can attend the squad.
You must also notify us of any change or deterioration of any such medical condition, allergy or special needs. We will keep this information confidential and handle such issues with discretion. It is our policy to include any such individuals within the scheduled squads wherever possible, but we reserve the right to refuse the booking if we are regrettably unable to accommodate the needs of the individual on our squads.
Permission for children to go home alone must be given in writing. If written permission is not received and contact cannot be made with parent/guardian, we will keep the child until they are picked up or contact is made.
When making a booking, it is your responsibility to ensure that any course participant is the correct age for that course. We reserve the right to refuse entry to a course if any participant is found not to be of the correct age, or is unable to complete a course due to being in the incorrect age group. In these circumstances there will be no refund;
Payment for the squads needs to be made in full on our website.
(b) Adult groups
Adult sessions are on a pay as you play basis and can be booked in advance online. This means that there is no guarantee that a space will be available on the day, but we do our best to accommodate all players.
Group sessions must be paid for at the time or before the session.
(c) Individual lessons
These can be arranged at any time subject to availability, but to best guarantee a booking it should be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Lessons can take place at Dallington Lawn Tennis Club, Kings Park Tennis Centre one of our school venues, public courts or home courts. For school, public or home courts there might be an additional travel charge will be agreed at time of booking.
If a lesson needs to be cancelled, please try to give as much notice as possible. If more than 24 hours given, then there is no cancellation charge. If less than 24 hours notice given, the full cost of lesson may be payable if we had turned away alternative lessons for yours, otherwise we will not charge a cancellation fee if possible.
(4) Payment for courses
Payment for junior squads needs to be made in the first week of the session of the squad starting and by the invoice payment date, we generally invoice in term blocks (6 weeks).
Payment can be made by cash, cheque, bank transfer, online payment (credit card) as per instructions in the invoice email.
Payments after the invoice payment date will incur a £15 administrative charge.
(5) Cancellation of courses
(a) All cancellations must be made in writing, by letter or email (not by text or voicemail), and be received a minimum of seven days before the course begins. Verbal cancellations will not be accepted. On cancellation of a course booking up to seven days or more prior to the first session, a refund will be given less £15 administration fee. No refunds will be available after that date. We are unable to accept replacements in lieu of your booking. We can give credits;
(b) We reserve the right to cancel courses one week in advance of the start date in the unlikely event of insufficient numbers. A full refund will then be given.
(c) Changing from one course is free of charge if there is availability in target group and moving will not reduce numbers too much from source group.
(6) Bad Weather Policy
Please bring protection from showers/sun as our general policy is that courses will go ahead unless there is persistent heavy rain, high winds or snow makes the courts unplayable. Any injury incurred while taking part in activities on damp or wet courts is your responsibility.
In the rare event that a session is lost to rain during a course, we will offer a credit against the next term’s course fees.
(7) Adult and Junior Tennis Course Bookings
Places on courses are subject to availability and can only be reserved by Head Coach James.
We reserve the right to make changes, including price, content, description, terms, reasonable location, etc. at any time without notice.
A decision regarding weather conditions is made 30 minutes before the start time.
(8) Damages, Loss and Injury
Damage caused whilst on Tennis4All courses is chargeable to the offender(s). To the extent permitted by law, Tennis4All will not accept responsibility for any death or injuries incurred during play at any of the coaching sites in any weather/ground conditions. Tennis4All accepts no liability for damage to, or loss of, any property or articles or things whatsoever, placed or left at any of the coaching site by any person or organisation.
(9) Law and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes relating to these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
(10) Refunds
All cancellations must be made in writing, by letter or email, and be received a minimum of seven days before the course begins. Verbal cancellations will not be accepted. We do give credits in exceptional circumstances.
(11) Availability & Cancellation
Places on courses are subject to availability. We reserve the right to cancel courses one week in advance of start date in the unlikely event of insufficient numbers. A full refund will then be given.
(12) Clothing
Players must wear comfortable sports clothing and flat soled trainers.
(13) Child Protection
Tennis4All coaches have a duty to respond if they suspect a child in their care may be suffering from abuse, or if a child makes a disclosure about abuse. In this event we will contact the club’s Welfare Officer, LTA Safeguarding team, or Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and act on their advice.
(14) First Aid
In the event of an accident or medical issue, first aid will be administered to children in our care, and the emergency services will be called if necessary, unless advised otherwise. If your child has specific medical needs that may impact on their wellbeing or enjoyment of the squad, lesson or camp, e.g. the use of an Epipen, it is essential that coaches are aware prior to the commencement of the course.
We will notify parents of any medical issues experienced by a student as soon as possible.
If medical issues impact on a student’s ability to participate safely in the lesson, squad or camp, we reserve the right to request clarification from a qualified medical practitioner (usually a GP) regarding suitability of student to continue tennis and agreement from parent or guardian to accept responsibility for the medical issues. Until such clarification is received, we reserve the right withdraw that student from the lesson, squad or camp for their own safety, no refund will be given for absence due to exclusion for medical reasons.
(15) Photography and videography
Tennis4All may take photographs and video footage at squads, lessons or camps to use for training, marketing and promotional purposes. To exclude your child we must be informed in writing at the time of booking.
(16) Child Exclusion
On rare occasions children can prove incompatible with the general well-being of the Tennis4All coaching environment e.g. bullying, disruptive or aggressive behaviour. We reserve the right to exclude such children. This applies to parents and guardians as well, we expect to operate in an environment of fair play, respect and no disruption. No refund will be made for any remaining days booked, and any costs associated with the exclusion, including transport home, will be the parent’s responsibility.
(17) Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
All adults and parents and guardians of juniors are made aware of these Terms and Conditions. Participation implies acceptance to the Terms and Conditions as set out above.