Club Sessions

Club Session Definitions
Monday Morning Men: 10am – 12pm
All abilities are welcome.
Fours are arranged and players rotated.
Thursday Evening Social: 5.30 onwards
Suitable for members of all abilities.
Players must expect to take part in fours with all standards of play and adapt as necessary.
The emphasis is on the social aspect of being part of the Club.
Guests are allowed one free session before being required to pay a visitor’s fee for two further sessions; they will then be expected to pay their subscription before attending the Club again. *
Friday Morning Ladies: 9.30am – 12pm
All abilities are welcome.
Fours are arranged and players rotated.
Saturday Junior/Senior Session: 12pm to 1pm
Aimed at invited juniors, year 10 and above, to ease them into senior club play.
Colts and invited seniors associated with the junior team support the juniors.
Seniors advise on etiquette and doubles/match play.
This session is to be reviewed on 1st September, 2022.
Saturday Afternoon: 1pm onwards
Competition centred club session aimed at those who want a challenge.
Fours are arranged (by a member of the committee if present) on competitive standard where possible but players must expect to mix in.
Players compete at their own level of play.
Matches are limited to a short set.
No guests are allowed to attend this session.
*All new members should be referred to the Membership Secretary who will deal with the induction process.