Amherst LTC Box League Rules

Match Format
1. Matches are all Best of 3 tie-break sets, but you can now choose between -
- Sets to 6 (Tie-break to 7 points at 6 games all in all 3 sets)
- Sets to 6 (Tie-break to 7 points at 6 games all in the first 2 sets) and a Match Tie-break to 10 if 1 set all
- Fast-4 Format
You must agree on the match format with your opponent before play - if you can't agree, then the default match format is Fast-4 scoring.
How to play a Fast-4 match
Best of 3 tie-break sets - first to 4 games in the first 2 sets
Set 1 and 2 - Tie-break if it gets to 3 games all - first to 7 points
(2 points clear if 6-6)
If 1 set all, play a Match Tie-Break, first to 10 points (2 points clear if 9-9)
Next point wins if it gets to Deuce - returner decides which side to return
Special Rules
Additional Special Rules only apply to the lowest group in the Adult Mixed Singles and Doubles leagues.
2. Any or all of -
- Use low compression Green Balls
- Two bounces are allowed during a rally
- Use the 'Amherst Coaching Unlimited Serves Rule' -
If the first or second serve goes in, it counts whether or not the returner gets the ball back in play. If the server misses the first and second serve, they keep serving until the returner gets the ball back in play and then continue the point.
2a. The least experienced player can choose to play without one or all of the Rusty Rackets Special Rules.
2b. If the more experienced player/s would like more challenge, they can choose to play without one or all of the Rusty Rackets Special Rules whilst their opponent plays with one or all of the Rusty Rackets Special Rules.
2c. If the rules agreed on are not working to create an enjoyable challenge for both players, the rules can be changed at the end of each set, or at any time if it becomes obvious to both players that the match is too unbalanced.
Arranging Matches
3. Matches should be arranged by contacting your opponent in the league and setting a suitable date/time that is convenient for both sides. Use the contact details on the LTA Competitions platform and if you have any problems contacting an opponent, e-mail the Box League Administrator.
4. All players should take responsibility for contacting their opponents and arranging suitable match dates.
5. At least one player must be a member of the venue where a match is played. For matches played at Amherst LTC, both players should take responsibility for checking the Amherst Weekly Play Schedule. If at all possible, please try to make your matches after 8pm on weekdays, after 6pm on Saturdays and after 4pm on Sundays. Limited court booking may be possible at Amherst for Box League matches at some stage in the future, but not at the moment.
6. Junior Matches must be arranged when there is a Coach on hand to supervise.
- At Amherst LTC, matches must be played during Junior Club on Sundays 2-4pm (normally £6 Non-Member / £3 Members to attend, but free if playing a Box League match).
- If playing at another local club, check with the coaching team at the venue first.
7. Scores should be submitted online as soon as possible by signing in to the LTA Competitions platform Amherst LTC Box League page. Results are then used to calculate your updated ITF World Tennis Number. If you have any problems or disagreement over scores, contact the Box League Administrator who will be able to make changes for you.
* As the season end approaches, it is your responsibility to ensure all of your results have been submitted, win or lose, before the deadline.
8. The court surface at any venue must be agreed by both sides or decided by a coin toss.
9. Incomplete matches must be finished at a time suitable for both sides providing it is concluded before season end.
10. Matches that are not completed and/or results that are not submitted before midday on the day of 'season end' will not be counted.
Match Balls
11. Both sides should agree before the match between using:
- A new tin of balls
(the player who provides the new tin of balls should be given £2 towards the cost).
- Amherst Club Balls as provided for members play, if the match is played at Amherst LTC.
Enjoyable Competition
12. Matches should be played in good spirit. Players are expected to be friendly with an emphasis on fair play.
13. Matches are self-umpired. Players should only call balls on their side of the net and should respect the calls of their opponent. If a player is unsure whether a ball is in or out, the benefit of the doubt and the point must go to their opponent.
End Of Season Winners
14. Players may be promoted or relegated due to wins or if the organisers feel they would have better matches in a different box for the next season.
15. If there is a tie for first or second place, the winner will be decided based on:
- the most number of matches won,
- the least number of matches lost,
- who was the winner of their respective match,
- who conceded the least number of games (in matches they won),
- who won the most number of games (in matches they lost).
In the unlikely event that a winner cannot be established, then a final match up will be played at both players' earliest convenience.
16. Players found to be breaking the rules or knowingly exploiting the system may be disqualified from their division and/or served a ban pending a review by the league administrator.
Mid-Season Promotion
17. If a player has played all their matches before season end and has 50% or more wins in their current box, they can ask to be promoted mid-season to the next highest box. This may not be possible due to LTA Competition platform limitations or if the next highest box already has a maximum number of active players.
Adult Any-Gender Doubles
18. This is a Mixed Doubles category where doubles pairs can be any gender combination to allow for more variety of opponents and fun challenges at appropriate levels of play.
Last updated: 26/09/2024