
New Tennis Borders website launched

Now that the little Tennis Borders handbook is no longer to be produced we're currently working on updating the Tennis Borders web site with a view to making it the go to place when you need to check anything, writes Mike Turner from Tennis Borders.

You can find it with the link below but also just by searching for Tennis Borders.

On the site under Adult Events you'll find links to current, future and past events on the LTA competition site as well as score sheets, rules and match formats for each event.

There's other stuff on the site as well and we will be building on this over the months ahead.

It works pretty well on a mobile phone so hopefully if you ever need to check anything whilst playing a match (such as whether to play a champs tb or not..) it should be quite easy!

Any thoughts on it or suggestions about what else it could have or if you spot any errors please let us know. Please pass this on to your team mates or any club members who may be interested.