Adult Coaching

Adult coaching courses run throughout the week. We cater for all abilities and encourage everyone to come along to are large range of sessions on offer. Weekly Schedule:
Tennis Tuesdays – Tuesday 7-8pm
This session is set up for Ladies only. Each week’s session focuses on a different area of the game to improve your ability with a mixture of skills training from professional coaches and match play with other women at your level. We provide the courts and rackets – you get the fun and can be as competitive as you want, without feeling under pressure.
Adult Doubles Drills and Tactics - Friday 7-8pm
This session is aimed at club level players competing regularly in the club teams. The main focus is on doubles tactics using drills and match play.
Adult beginners coaching – Friday 2-3pm
This session is a great introduction to tennis with a very relaxed social side to the game. Play for 45 minutes then enjoy tea and cake/biscuits to complete the hour.
Rusty Rackets - Friday 3-4pm
This session is aimed at adults who want to return to tennis. It is a good course for those who have been out of the sport for some time and need to brush up on their skills
All adult courses are open to members and non- members.
All these sessions have a pay up front and PAYG option:
-Pay up front £72 (£60 members) for 12 sessions
-PAYG £8 (£7 members)
To book onto any of these sessions please contact Sara Bamford directly.
1-2-1 Sessions are also offered throughout the week to all ages and abilities. These can be booked for 30 minutes or 1 hour.